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Welcome to Paddle Trails Canoe Club
50 Years and Counting!

Located in the Puget Sound region of the Pacific Northwest, we paddle canoes, kayaks and inflatables. We paddle rivers, lakes and salt water. We paddle for fun, camaraderie, adrenaline, scenery and wilderness. Yep, we’re probably paddling something, somewhere right now! Paddle Trails Canoe Club (PTCC) is a supportive and inclusive community of paddlers who like to get out on water whenever we can and focus on safety and fun. We invite you to take a few minutes to explore our site and past issue of Canews, our newsletter. If you like what you see, please join us. We always welcome new members.
If you are an active member, you should already have a username and password to access the site's members only features. If you need help logging in or you have questions or constructive feedback, please contact our webmaster.  

Household memberships are only $25 per year!  Not already a member and wish to learn more? Click here.  Ready to join? 
Join Now!

Trips and Classes

Trips: We are actively adding new trips onto the Events Calendar to fill out the 2024 paddling schedule!  If you are a trip coordinator, please get your trips on the calendar as soon as possible.  If you would like to coordinate a trip but need support, please reach out to our Trip Coordinator
Classes: We have an utterly fantastic new lineup of canoeing classes for this year.  We are offering 2 new Basic Canoeing classes, a class focused on Canoeing Saltwater as well as our ever-popular beginning and advanced Canoeing Rivers classes.  Please check out our Training Page for details.

Check Out Photos From Our Events

Paddle Trails members have been busy gettin' out on the water.  Check out some of the photo albums from some of our recent events, including the Introduction to Canoeing Whitewater and Fundamentals of Solo Canoeing Classes and the Black and Chehalis Rivers.  Here is a link to our Photo Albums.

Photo of the Month:

Golden Summer Evening on the Powerhouse

 Golden Light on the Powerhouse 

2020 Marked our 50th Anniversary!



Founded by a handful of enthusiastic canoeists who met at the Poodle Dog Cafe in Fife Washington in 1970, Paddle Trails has logged over 50 years of having fun in small boats. Lots has changed since then but much has also stayed the same. We still focus on fun and safety as our top priorities doing so within a great, close knit community of paddlers. In honor of our 50th year, we've just published an archive of photos we've scanned from 80 pages of a scrapbook. Most of these photos are from the 1990s and a few from early 2000s.  If anyone has any from other periods we'd love for you to send them to