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HomeParticipant Responsibilities and Etiquette

Event Participation Responsibilities and Etiquette

We want all of our trips and events to be safe and fun for everyone and to help support this goal, please familiarize yourself with the following:


·       Trip coordinators are not professional guides; they are volunteering their time.  Be nice to them.

·       Consumption of alcohol or recreational drugs is not permitted while boating during club events.

·       Know the driving time to the intended meeting location and be on time.

·       Be helpful, offer to help with the shuttle and be courteous to the shuttle drivers.


Registering and Cancelling
Be honest about your skills and fitness and ensure they are appropriate for the event before registering.  If uncertain, ask the trip coordinator.
·       Sign up for events on the Events Calendar at least 2 days prior to the event.  Some events may require registration further in advance. 

·       If you are paddling tandem, you must sign up both yourself and your partner.

·       If you can't register online, register by calling or emailing the coordinator.

·       If you need to cancel, let the coordinator know as far in advance as possible.



·       PFDs are required while on the water.

·       Helmets are recommended for all river trips and required for rivers over Class II.
·       Floatation is required for all river trips over Class II. 

·       Drysuits are recommended for much of the year. 

·       Equipment must be in good condition and suitable for the type of event (if you’re not sure, ask the coordinator).
·       Bring enough clothing, water, food to keep you going and comfortable. A drybag with extra clothing is a good idea in case of a swim.

·       It is recommended that you bring a throw rope and know how to use it.

Have your read the Safety Protocol?  These are rules designed to help ensure the safety and enjoyment of our members.  Check out the Club's Member Handbook for more information