Events - Month View
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Location is coordinator‘s-choice and will be weather-dependent. Dynamic flowing water, such as shorelines of Puget Sound or Class 1+ rivers. Suitable for canoes or sea kayaks.
from Clear Creek to the Mill
Day 1 on Lake Sammamish - 2 Shifts - Sign up for one or both. The "Register Now" button will take you to their website.
Come join for this fun, easy Class II
Early morning quiet water paddle. We‘ll take our time, enjoying the (hopefully) calm of the morning on the water. Bring your camera or your binoculars. We‘ll put in at the 14th Ave boat ramp in Ballard and spend some time paddling around in the ship canal and the Fisherman‘s Terminal marina.
Sign up for Day 2 on the Diversify Whitewater site. Choose whichever options you wish to support. The Register Now button will take you to their website.
Ride the flood tide up the Snohomish River from downtown Everett 9 miles to Lowell. Picnic lunch at Langus Waterfront Park mid-way. An almost-12-foot tidal rise should give us a decent current the whole way.
Early morning quiet water paddle. We‘ll take our time, enjoying the (hopefully) calm of the morning on the water. Bring your camera or your binoculars. We‘ll put in at the Fritz Hedges Waterway Park on the north shore of Portage Bay (Lake Union). From there, we can explore wherever we feel drawn to.